Freedom and Confinement Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

What was I going to do, hide in Grace's house all winter, fearing every creeping draft? (27.21)

Sam's disease forces him to stay inside to stay human. Is it worth it, being trapped, to stay who you want to be?

Quote #5

It was hard to remember what was important about sitting in a classroom with a stack of notes that would be meaningless by next year. (28.3)

For Grace, school is a form of confinement. She wants to be out in the world with Sam, but instead she's stuck in school every day.

Quote #6

“Schoolbooks. We're going to educate you properly so you don't grow up to be an idiot.” (29.12)

In contrast to the previous quote, education was like a freedom to Sam when he was being raised. Through books, he was able to see parts of the world that he'd never be able to see because of his condition.