Sideways Stories From Wayside School Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Dead rats were always trying to sneak into Mrs. Jewls's class. That was the third one she'd caught since September. (14.42)

Even though Maurecia-flavored ice cream sounds great, we'd rather not go to school at Wayside if this version of reality has a lot of visiting dead rats.

Quote #5

The whole room seemed to be laughing, not just the people in it. The blackboard chuckled. The ceiling snickered. The desks were jumping up and down, and the chairs were slapping one another on the back. The floor was very ticklish. It laughed until the walls turned purple. The wastepaper basket started to sing, and all the pencils stood up and danced. (16.10)

If this isn't a good description of a totally different reality, we don't know what is. Where to start—the purple walls or the dancing pencils?

Quote #6

"Hey! I can still read the blackboard, and I'm not upside down. I can read right side up now. When I fell, I must have flipped my brain or something." (17.26)

Because everything at Wayside School is just a little bit off, it's possible to flip your brain when you stand on your head. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?