Story of a Girl Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She pulled me along past the boarded-up stationery store, and the shoe place that had been having a going-out-of-business sale since I was in sixth grade. (2.68)

The store may have put the going-out-of-business sign in the window to bring in more poor customers looking for a deal. Of course, the trick stops working after a few years. It's one more instance of how run-down Pacifica is, and how even businesses owners aren't too hopeful for a better tomorrow.

Quote #2

"That's nine, so… three for each of us. Woo-hoo!" She led us into Nordy's, waving the bills, shouting, "Stand back people, we have some shopping to do!" (2.141)

Lee flaunts the group's lack of money like it's a joke, marking her as fundamentally different from Jason and Deanna. She can make light of it because it's not her reality—this is a girl from a loving home who expects to go to college.

Quote #3

"I might be able to buy half an earring someday," Lee said, looking at the hundredth jewelry display of the night. "If it was on sale." (2.146)

Lee tries throughout the mall trip to relate to Jason and Deanna by making comments about her lack of money. We don't know for sure that she's rich, but we think she's trying too hard.