Story of a Girl Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I did the math in my head. How many paychecks, how many weeks of scraping cheese off the counter, how many hours of Tommy's eyes on me would it cost to buy my way out? (3.131)

In other words, how much of her dignity does she have to give up on the path to freedom? How much does she have to sacrifice to get out of her parents' house?

Quote #8

What if Mom didn't have to work at a department store, with people complaining all day about stuff they'd bought, or leaving piles of clothes on dressing room floors for her to pick up? Would she look so gray and tired? (5.26)

Good question. Probably not, if she had a supportive family. We're willing to bet Deanna looks tired too, if not gray.

Quote #9

"You want my advice? My advice is that you're not missing anything and in a couple of years you'll go to college and me and Jason will be here in Pathetica working crap-ass jobs and hanging out at Denny's, so why waste your time? On either of us." (5.105)

Deanna seems to think that the only people who should hang out with poor people are other poor people. Do you think she really thinks this, or is she trying to pull a Stacy and act too tough to care?