The Body of Christopher Creed Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[…] something inside of me felt totally ready to be nice to the rejects […] and to be somebody who's not so drowning in surface junk. (6.62)

We're glad you're feeling ready to be nice to the rejects, Torey, because newsflash: they're people, too. It's interesting that he never wonders whether said rejects—a.k.a. the kids he and his pals have tormented for years—will accept him into their fold.

Quote #5

All of a sudden, I didn't know what to think. I never would have thought of Mrs. Creed as a murderer, but I never would have thought of Mrs. McDermott as a turbo slut. And I never would have thought of Bo Richardson as a courageous person. (8.135)

Putting the pieces together, Torey begins to realize that his particular version of reality has been super off. It's like he's waking up or suddenly seeing the world in color after a lifetime of black and white.

Quote #6

I had become a little like Ali, with the unperfect life. (9.74)

Welcome to life off the pedestal of perfection, Torey. The scenery's a little grimier, but the people are a whole lot nicer, too.