The Body of Christopher Creed Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

That made me feel alone and kind of strange, like I didn't know who I was all of a sudden. (12.4)

Have you ever felt like this? What happened to inspire it? And what did you do after you had this feeling?

Quote #8

I'd known the night before that all this new stuff could make me feel sort of "out there" compared to my friends […]. (13.11)

Torey just went through a lot of new experiences and—bam—now he feels different. Experiences are kind of like a magic potion. Keep having the same ones, and life will usually just keep on keeping on. Want to get a new perspective, though? Try something new, like, say, solving a missing person mystery.

Quote #9

I figured, Why should I be scared of all those morons passing judgment on me? (13.87)

Here is moment when we see exactly how Torey has changed. He used to be pretty conscious of how what he did would appear to his friends, but now he doesn't care a bit.