Things Not Seen Chapter 21 Summary


  • Since he's invisible, sneaking into the building is super easy. He sneaks into a woman's cubicle and waits until she leaves for lunch, then he gets right down to business.
  • He finds the list of the 379 people who have complained about the blanket, and prints it out in tiny font on just three sheets of paper. Then he folds them up so that he can stick the wad of paper into his armpit. Gross, but effective.
  • Then he heads off to go search for Alicia. He finds her in a conference room chatting with a few people. She's holding her own just fine; in fact, it looks like they love her.
  • Bobby taps her on the shoulder to let her know that he's back, and she goes to wait for a cab. When no one is nearby, he tells her that he got something and drops his list into her backpack.
  • She drops Bobby off at home before telling the cab driver that she was wrong about the address—and tells him to take her to the library.