Three Times Lucky Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Whatever you're thinking, I'm innocent." As I may have noted, Dale doesn't think well on his feet.

"Dale just now dropped by," I said quickly. "We've started a small business—Desperado Detective Agency. Dale's here to sort clues. Since school's out, we thought it would be okay. Plus, that's the kind of work ethic we got." (8.18-19)

As a true friend, Mo works hard to cover for Dale when he lets incriminating information slip. She'll even use her fast-talking wiles to divert Miss Lana's attention—and to save Dale from doing something stupid.

Quote #5

She turned to Starr. "I've known Dale since he was a baby, and I've never known a gentler soul. I can't even pay him to kill a garden snake. The idea that he murdered Jesse is ludicrous. Please stop wasting time on him and find the killer. We're all worried to death." (12.96)

Dale is terrified that he's going to be tried for Mr. Jesse's murder, but he doesn't realize how many people in town will vouch for him. He's a good kid who has been a good friend to many people, and they'll tell Detective Starr all that.

Quote #6

"No you ain't," I told him. "You're a juvenile. Besides, even if you do, it won't be so bad. You can bond with the incarcerated side of your family. And I'll bring you your homework assignments so you don't fall behind in school." (13.35)

Aw, isn't that nice? Mo offers to bring Dale the last thing he'd want while he's in prison… more homework. Still, it's nice of her to think of how she can help him if he becomes incarcerated.