Three Times Lucky Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Rose, I'm not going to lie. We don't have many leads. If you'll agree to this, we'll watch Dale like he's our own until this case is closed," he said. "And we'll hope Mr. Jesse's real killer makes a mistake—either because he thinks he's in the clear, or because he doesn't like someone else taking credit for his work. Either way, mistakes work in our favor." (13.115)

Detective Starr doesn't have many clues to go off of, so he's going to have to use some unconventional police work methods. It's a good thing that Dale and Miss Rose are willing to play along with him.

Quote #5

"Rose, we're doing everything we can to find your friend," Starr said. "I have people scouring the woods, and we've set up roadblocks on US 264 and I-95. Deputy Marla is preparing to search the area's vacant houses and barns. Rose, has Lana mentioned having difficulty with anyone? At the café, or in Charleston?" (18.88)

Once Miss Lana goes missing, Detective Starr immediately snaps into action. He's not going to let her just disappear without a trace like that—this guy's going to do his job and bring her home.

Quote #6

"Are you two sure?" Starr demanded, and we nodded. He ran his finger across his eyebrow. "Better safe than sorry," he said. "Marla, notify the Highway Patrol. Tell them Robert Slate has a hostage and may be headed to Winston," he said. "And tell them he might be driving one of Dolph Andrews's missing cars. (18.112)

Detective Starr is actually really capable of real police work and knows what he's doing. It's not his fault that he trusts the wrong person in tasking Deputy Marla with tracking down Robert Slate.