Three Times Lucky Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I saw him sneak up in the moonlight, and slide a white envelope under the door. After that, I staked out the door for a couple of weeks. It was him, all right." (15.90)

Only Thes has good memories of Mr. Jesse giving the church a hundred dollars every single week. Everyone else's memories of Mr. Jesse have to do with him insulting them or being stingy with tips.

Quote #5

A photo fluttered from the scrapbook as he closed the door. In it, a young Colonel and Miss Lana stood arm in arm in front of an old church, smiling at me. The wind whipped Miss Lana's hair around her face. I laid it on the table, clicked off the light, and settled back into bed. (19.39)

Without the Colonel and Miss Lana here to take care of her, Mo has to find comfort in her memories of them and in the scrapbook that Miss Lana gave her. Hopefully they'll come back soon so that they can all make new memories together.

Quote #6

"We introduced ourselves, and suddenly Lana and I were best friends. After a while we went inside, and there was that old striped suitcase lying open, full of baby things. And beside the suitcase was a stack of cash. The Colonel scooped the cash into the suitcase and closed it, and then he and Macon laughed about the Colonel's suitcase full of cash." (20.19)

Apparently all of these rumors about the Colonel having a suitcase full of cash were started by Mr. Macon—and he didn't even believe it when he first said it. But even though the rumors aren't based in truth, they've still put the Colonel and Miss Lana in huge danger.