Three Times Lucky Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Blackmail. Atilla had enough on Dale and his whereabouts the night of the murder to shake me down for eternity—another reason to clear Dale's name. (12.13)

Now Mo has another reason to not give up on her amateur investigation: She has to clear Dale's name so that evil Anna Celeste will stop shaking her down for free meals. What an opportunist.

Quote #8

Starr stared at her for a moment. "Miss Lana, I need to talk to Dale and his mother. If you see them, please tell them I'll be at Jesse Tatum's place all afternoon. If I don't see them by the end of the day, I'll come looking for them. And when the Colonel gets in, let him know I'd like to talk to him too. You," he said, looking at me. "Stay away from my crime scene." (12.97)

Mo meets her match in Detective Starr. Even though she tries to argue with him and distract him with her endless chatter, he gets right to the heart of things: He's going to talk to Dale and the Colonel, whether she likes it or not.

Quote #9

I made a decision. "So? My entire life's a long shot. Dale, we'll come up with the thousand dollars. We might as well," I said as his mouth fell open. "We can't do much detective work with you grounded and with Plainclothes Phil following us." (16.40)

Mo's optimism helps her to succeed in even the most impossible of situations. Lavender's been depressed for days about being a thousand dollars short, but Mo jumps in and helps him raise that much money in a single afternoon. She's a born entrepreneur, this one.