Three Times Lucky Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It's not nuts, and you're not doomed. You're desperate, is all. And it's like Miss Lana says: Desperation is the mother of invention." (7.74)

Talk about a pity party. It's a good thing that Dale has Mo to snap him out of his self-pity and make him think about how to get out of this conundrum. She won't let him just sit there and not do anything to save his own skin.

Quote #5

"We need to hurry too," I told Dale. "We gotta get to the crime scene."

"Us?" he said. "The crime scene?"

"Of course," I said, ignoring the syrup on his chin. "We're professionals." (9.67-69)

Mo takes her job as an amateur detective very seriously and decides that she needs to go visit the scene of the crime to collect clues. She's not going to give up, even if Dale is a little nervous.

Quote #6

Slipping past the bay tree where Starr had tied his crime tape, I headed for the bend just below Mr. Jesse's. I froze as Starr's voice sliced through the honeysuckle. (11.45)

Some crime scene tape and a warning to not cross it won't hold this girl detective back. Mo defiantly crosses Detective Starr, though he winds up forgiving her because she immediately finds the murder weapon.