We Were Liars Cadence Sinclair Eastman Quotes

Skin deep brown, hair black and waving. Body wired with energy. Gat seemed spring-loaded […] Ambition and strong coffee. I could have looked at him forever. (4.33)

Cadence can see Gat's intelligence, ambition, and curiosity as soon as she meets him. He's beautiful, of course, but it's his brain that intrigues her.

He was a stranger in our family, even after all those years. (11.19)

How could you be anything but a stranger around the Sinclairs? After all, these are people who have lived on a private island for years and don't even know the names of the people they've hired as help.

If you want to live where people are not afraid of mice, you must give up living in palaces. (40.8)

This is a line from one of Cadence's fairytales, and it's unfortunately true of Gat: For as long as he tries to live on Beechwood, he'll always be an outsider. Harris will always be threatened by his difference.