Westmark Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Look at her," Theo went on. "Who'll pay to see a scrawny little street bird decked out as a mermaid?" This was his honest, but less than complete, opinion. For some reason, the idea of Mickle being gawked at gave him a peculiar twinge. Las Bombas drew himself up in injured pride. "No doubt you have a better suggestion." "Yes, well—in fact, I do," Theo declared. Having made this claim, he wondered how to justify it. He paused, hastily seeking an idea, then went on. "Didn't you tell me something about summoning spirits?" (8.12-14)

Theo's gotten the hang of being "bad." After being so into honesty, he's the one who comes up with LB's next scheme—perhaps subconsciously he's realizing that you don't have to be good or bad, one or the other.

Quote #5

Collecting his drawing materials, Theo sat on the ground a little distance away and began to sketch the letters, sorry Anton had ever taught him the skill. He had only intended to keep Las Bombas from making a spectacle of the girl; instead, he had put the count onto a scheme equally disreputable. The count's compliment had unsettled him further. He wondered if indeed he had the heart of a mountebank. He already knew he could have been a murderer. (8.21)

Theo feels awful that his Oracle Priestess scheme has caught on. He thinks he's a terrible guy… but we know he's really a hero. (Do you agree?)

Quote #6

"My daughter did not die by mishap. It was you, Cabbarus. You told me you came too late to save her life. A lie. You were there with her in the Old Juliana. You let her fall to her death. Her spirit accuses you." Queen Caroline had reached Mickle. She flung herself beside the unconscious girl. "No spirit. This is my child." (25.15-16)

It's a terrible thing that Cabby took Mickle away from her parents—no doubt about that. But at the same time, if he hadn't insisted on capturing Theo, Las Bombas, and their friends, then Mickle and her parents would never have been reunited. Hmm… maybe evil actions have some good consequences after all.