Westmark Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I spoke of my baggage, not myself. I do not intend leaving Westmark. I shall try to send you word as often as I can. It may not always be possible. If you hear nothing from me, assume the best. Or the worst. In either case, do not lose heart. You and His Majesty have yet another strength. I will seek it out and do all I can to nourish it. In time, it may prove the strongest. I speak, Madam, of the people of Westmark." (9.39)

If Cabbarus hadn't taken the despicable action of banishing Dr. Torrens, then our story might not have ended so well—Dr. T wouldn't have met Keller and Florian, and then he couldn't have had his eyes opened to new perspectives and met new people. Then Westmark's new chief minister might have been a lot less cultured and sympathetic to others.

Quote #8

In despair, not at the king's possibly fatal collapse but its untimeliness, Cabbarus seized the monarch's wrist. The pulse beat faintly. Cabbarus climbed to his feet, flung open the door, and shouted for help. He returned to the prostrate Augustine and stood wringing his hands. (5.27)

Okay, let's stop defending Cabbarus. Even if his actions sometimes have good consequences, that result is unintentional. Here, for instance, he doesn't care that the king collapses from ill health, but is instead worried about how the timing affects himself. This selfish deed is typical of bad boy Cabby.

Quote #9

"Yes, you pulled it off, my boy," said Las Bombas. "But you had a close call. I confess I sweated a little myself. You might be wise to stay with us for a time. For your own safety. Though it also occurs to me I could use a bright young assistant. The possibilities are unlimited. As to wages, we must leave that question temporarily open." "No, thank you. It's good of you, but—" Theo hesitated. Until now, he had never imagined himself away from Dorning. The possibility had never existed. With Anton dead and himself homeless, his best course was to stay on the move. The prospect, in fact, excited him, all the more strongly because it was new. "I doubt if you'll have a better offer," said the count "Why, you'll launch yourself on an entirely new profession." (4.51-53)

Theo's first association with Las Bombas and Musket shows that the dynamic duo can be pretty nice. They picked up a down-on-his-luck dude who needed a job and somewhere to go and gave him a new life… albeit for their own advantage. Thanks to them, Theo meets his lady love.