Westmark Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You'll get through it," said Florian. "The first time is the worst."
Stock, meanwhile, had brought a wooden chest to the table and had begun taking pistols from it. Florian handed one to Theo, who drew back a little.
"It won't bite you," said Florian. 
"I don't want it." "Take it, even so. You may not want it, but you may need it. Do you know how to use one?" Theo shook his head."Go along with Justin, then. He'll show you." (16.33-39)

Theo's not an old hand at shooting guns, but no matter. Though he's a war virgin, he'll have to be indoctrinated because, no matter what, he has to face soldiers to free his friends. Warfare might just come at the loss of some innocence.

Quote #5

"Kill him." Justin turned his bloody face to Theo, violet eyes blazing. "Kill him." Theo swung up his arm and leveled the pistol. He hesitated an instant. Justin was screaming for him to shoot. Theo cried out as the explosion echoed through his head. A look of bewilderment froze on the officer's face. He staggered and fell. Theo stared at the weapon in his hand. His finger had not moved on the trigger. He glanced up to see Florian. He was on horseback, a smoking musket across the saddlebow. His long hair hung matted, smears of gunpowder blackened his cheeks. His gray eyes fixed squarely on Theo. He half smiled, as if observing a child fumbling to tie a shoe." (17.56-58)

Reluctant to enact any violent deeds, Theo almost gets Justin killed—he's not a bloody guy, but sometimes guns are necessary to defend friends. What's more important: keeping his morals intact, or saving a life? Lucky for him, Florian saves the day.

Quote #6

"Your Highness, do you hear the fellow?" Cabbarus recoiled in shock and indignation. "The truth at last. He admits it. He works against you. A loyal subject would seek only to reunite you and the princess, however briefly. What, then, are we to think of one who desires the opposite?" Cabbarus stretched out an accusing finger at the court physician. "You have gone too far. You are dismissed from His Majesty's service. Banished from the kingdom. Return at your peril, under pain of death. Be grateful your punishment is so light."

"These are your words, not the king's. You have done your best to make a puppet of him, and have done all too well." The court physician was a vigorous man with the arms and shoulders of a peasant. He pushed Cabbarus aside and dropped to one knee before Augustine." (9.19-21)

Cabbarus wages war on the monarchy by keeping anyone helpful away from King Augustine—here he tricks the king into banishing Dr. Torrens, who might actually help heal him, all in order to gain power for himself. He gets his dukes up for anyone who might oppose him.