Westmark Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Your verses can wait," said Florian. He glanced at Theo. "When our young friend first came here, he told me something in private. If he agrees, I think now it should be made public. The killing of an innocent man by Royal Officers should not be kept a secret." Theo, still puzzled, nodded and Florian went on. "I suggest you write an account of your master; why they destroyed his press and, indeed, destroyed him. Set it all down, exactly as it happened. Print it. We'll get it into as many hands as we can. The people of Westmark will have another example of how Cabbarus goes about his business." (15.12-13)

Hmm… maybe the people should know an innocent guy, Anton, died because of Cabbarus's soldiers. Disseminating this info would stir up the commoners and make them angry against the government, which is just what Florian wants. It's propaganda, sure, but it's also true.

Quote #8

"So do I," said Florian. "You urge me to join you. Let me ask: How many troops do you command? How many weapons?" "None," said Torrens. "And you?" He gestured toward the stack of firearms. "If that is your arsenal, it does not impress me." "We hope to improve it within the next twenty-four hours. Our resources are modest, but only a beginning. Now, Doctor, if you will excuse me, we have plans to make." As much as Florian had spoken bitterly and angrily against the chief minister, Theo had never until now heard him oppose the whole monarchy. The idea stunned and excited him. The sheer daring of it was only what he might have expected from Florian. He suddenly understood his willingness to make the journey to Nierkeeping. The man's boldness dazzled him. It also horrified him." (16.23-26)

War's entirely new to Theo, who's shocked when Florian declares his intent to try to overthrow the government. It's bigger than he ever imagined, and he doesn't realize what he's gotten himself mixed up in until this moment, as his naiveté is washed away and he begins to grow up.

Quote #9

"Our worthy Stock, though he may look like a prize bull, is by inclination a poet; by temperament, a dreamer. This one, Justin"--- he pointed to a thin, pale youth, close to Theo's age, with hair so yellow it shone almost white, and with long-lashed eyes of astonishing violet--- "Justin has the face of an angel; whereas, in fact, he is a bloodthirsty sort of devil. The result, possibly, of seeing his father hanged. Our two goddesses, the golden Rina and the russet Zara, guide and inspire us." (12.23)

Justin is a war machine because he suffered violence in his early life. Tragedy begets tragedy, so Florian decides to use his bloodthirstiness to his own advantage. Go, war, go?