What Happened to Goodbye Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around What Happened to Goodbye? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why does Dave get into deep trouble with his parents?

He destroys their "Lives of Cells" DVD
He skips school to do drugs
He gets caught at a party with a beer
He no longer calls them sir and ma'am
Q. Which of the following is not something that Deb has done?

Created a Hospitality Committee
Trained circus animals
Been in a speed metal band
Made friends with the model parts company lady
Q. What name does Mclean originally intend to go by when she arrives in Lakeview?

Liz Sweet
Sid Vicious
Lizzie McGuire
Elizabeth Ann Sweet
Q. What dish did Mclean's mom always make before the divorce?

Tuna casserole
Anything with Cream Of soup poured over it
Ice cream
Q. Who does Mclean's dad finally commit to romantically at the end of the novel?

Mclean's mom