What Happened to Goodbye Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around What Happened to Goodbye? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Dave make Mclean a part of Lakeview at the end of the book?

He graffiti sprays traffic signs with her face
He makes little miniature versions of her in the model town
He buys the abandoned house for her
He draws her into the yearbook
Q. Why does Dave give Mclean the little container of thyme?

He wants her to stay and build a home in Lakeview
He thinks her cooking sucks
He wants her to be his girlfriend all the "thyme"
He thinks it's a romantic gift
Q. Mclean is totally horrified and embarrassed when her friends discover:

That she's not a natural blonde
That her mom cheated on her dad with Peter Hamilton
That she only has one pair of underwear (again, traveling light)
Her many online accounts
Q. What does Deb do for Mclean when they're completing the model town?

She lets her take a few days off
She saves the last section for her
She writes her a song about being a part of the town
She lets her name the town.
Q. Why is the Poseidon so important to Mclean?

It's where she and her mom used to go
She wants to be in the hospitality business someday
She really loves Greek mythology
Her family used to own the motel