What Happened to Goodbye Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"By, you know, a bunch of people from school. As friends." She pulled her purse a little closer to her chest. "It's really nice." (11.90)

Poor Deb has really been socially ostracized, huh? Thankfully she doesn't have to deal with mean girls anymore—she's part of the group now, and will have many more dinner invitations to come in her future.

Quote #8

As the conversation rose up again, I watched both it and the bread basket move down the table. Steadily, they went from hand to hand, person to person, like links on a chain, making their way to me. (11.143)

Riley's parents have done a really good job of putting together a monthly dinner party that people want to go to—even their teenage daughter and her friends. That's no small feat, but they're just that good at making everyone feel welcome and loved.

Quote #9

"Other people, however," she continued, clearing her throat, "feel that by organizing the people, we are removing the life force from the entire endeavor. Instead, they think that we should just arrange the figures in a more random way, as that mirrors the way the world actually is, which is what the model is supposed to be all about." (16.143)

Well, Dave does have a point there. What's the point of representing a community's population by sticking them all into rigidly defined sectors? Real life is a little messier than that, and that's not a bad thing.