What Happened to Goodbye Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But when it was just me and him, there was a different ebb and flow; some conversation, some silence, always something to think about. It was like another language I was learning, how to be with someone and remain there, even when the conversation—and I—got uncomfortable. (10.32)

With Dave, Mclean doesn't have to posture or pretend to be someone that she's not—she can just remain silent, and they still have some kind of quiet understanding. That's a rare and special gift.

Quote #8

It was just a tiny moment. Not a kiss, not even real contact. But for all the things it wasn't, it meant so much. I'd been running for years: there was nothing scarier, to me, than to just be still with someone. And yet, there on that dark road, going home, I was. (12.32)

So much for leaving Lakeview without any complicated "entanglements." It's clear that Mclean has developed strong relationships here… although some may be stronger than others (wink, wink).

Quote #9

I nodded, not saying anything as my phone buzzed in my pocket. I'd finally turned off the ringer after logging calls from my dad, Riley, and Deb in the first twenty minutes we'd been on the road. (14.11)

Even when she's revealed the worst side of herself—the duplicitous side that comes with a bunch of different personas and names—Mclean's friends are still worried about her well-being. Riley and Deb are totally going to have her back no matter what.