How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
When did my mother get to be such a cool liar? When did she learn to use her face to look so innocent?
Maybe when she fell in love with Peter. She had so many lies to tell. (30.84-85)
Evie's always admired her mom and wanted to be just like her, but maybe she doesn't want to be able to lie so convincingly like her mother does.
Quote #8
I couldn't look at my mother. I couldn't stand the smell of her perfume. I kept myself very still so that I wouldn't brush against her. I couldn't bear the picture in my head of her pressed against Peter. (31.46)
In a way, Evie's mom has betrayed her twice: she's broken up Evie's precious, beloved family, and she's used Evie's crush on Peter as a way to spend lots of time with him herself. That's a pretty messed up thing to do. Not cool, Mom, not cool.
Quote #9
I broke Mr. Markel's rule and looked straight into her eyes. She shook her head, just a little bit, tears pooling in her eyes. I didn't know what the head shake meant. You don't have to lie, Evie?
But I did, and she knew it, so maybe she was shaking her head at the whole awful stink of it. (33.85-86)
When Evie lies to the judge and the courtroom, it's clear that she's doing it in order to save her parents—they'd be completely lost without her and would end up in jail. This is an even bigger sacrifice because her mom has already betrayed her trust—and her emotions.