What I Saw and How I Lied Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

If I were pretty, a doll, a dish, maybe some of the boys would have gotten up the nerve to come and introduce themselves. But I saw their glances slide off me, like ugly was Vaseline, and I was coated with it. (7.4)

As much as Evie wants to be beautiful and curvaceous like her mom and the other girls in her grade, she's still a little gawky and needs to grow into herself. She's not going to attract all the boys just yet.

Quote #5

As the adults talked, I couldn't seem to punch a hole in the conversation. I couldn't capture his attention, not like I had the night before. I felt young and stupid again, with my glass of lemonade and my brown sandals. (10.3)

Evie keeps trying to insert herself into the grown-up conversation, but she's lost—just a kid sitting there with a glass of lemonade while the grown-ups sip on cocktails. When will she ever be that glamorous and confident?

Quote #6

She cocked her head and looked at me. "Do you know that Bev dresses you like a kid? I think I saw you in a pinafore the other day. Really! How old are you?" (11.30)

Because her mom doesn't want her to see it, Evie doesn't realize that she's growing up physically and that she can start wearing more womanly clothing. She's got it, and now she can flaunt it.