How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"Yeah, that's what people say when they want to stop an argument about the coloreds," I say. "It makes me feel sorry for Jackie Robinson. That's a lot for one man to do, on top of covering second base." (16.28)
When Evie tells Peter about how unfair it is, he says that "the coloreds" (their words, not ours) have a chance too—they have Jackie Robinson. But Evie is smart enough (even though she's a kid) to know that one man's success and acceptance can't represent that of a whole ethnic group.
Quote #5
"Mr. Grayson, we trusted that you and your wife were Gentiles. But from speaking to your mother, we believe this is not the case." (19.19)
The hotel manager doesn't mince words when he tells the Graysons why he's kicking them out, nor does he pretend to be embarrassed by the fact that he's so prejudiced against Jewish people. He just tells them to leave.
Quote #6
"No, I mean, I'm sorry about the punch, but—the Graysons got kicked out of the hotel. Tonight. They're Jewish. The manager just kicked them out, just like that." (20.19)
Evie runs to Peter because she is so confused by what she's just witnessed; she can't believe that someone would kick the Graysons out of the hotel for being Jewish and enjoy doing so. Even the place she's come to see as her temporary home (the hotel) isn't safe from human ugliness.