What I Saw and How I Lied Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Funny thing about the moon," Peter said. "When I was overseas, I'd look up at it, and I couldn't get that the same moon was over here, too. Everything happens underneath the same moon. Things you never thought you'd see. Or do." (15.2)

Even though Peter went off to war and did things he never thought he'd do (probably terrible things that he can't talk about), he's still in the same old world. When he comes home, things haven't changed all that much—and they're still under the same moon.

Quote #5

But he wasn't looking at me. He was looking down the beach. "When I enlisted, I didn't know anything. What did I know? All I did was… play tennis, be a rich man's son." (15.4)

Peter's line about being a rich man's son almost sounds like something out of a cheesy movie—and it might very well be, since he's lying about his background. But there's still some truth to the fact that he didn't know anything before he enlisted. The war opened his eyes to a lot of atrocities.

Quote #6

"Baby, I was in a war. Of course I get it. That's where all the bad in the world comes from. Guys who like being mean." Peter's face went tight and closed. "I was that guy once. So was Joe. We were all that guy, for at least a minute. We had to be." (20.28)

When Peter talks to Evie like an adult, you get the sense that he's trying to say that the worst thing he saw wasn't the evil in the enemy. The worst thing he saw was the evil that existed inside of himself—and inside of Joe.