The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Yes, that was the most likely conclusion. Porter had given Matthew a copy of those e-mails. But why? (40.40)

In the double whammy of betrayals, Frankie finds out that her current boyfriend is in cahoots with her ex-boyfriend. This just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Quote #8

"What were you being loyal to, huh? Or were you jerking people around to make yourself feel powerful?" (43.112)

Matthew won't accept Frankie's rational explanations. He's never been able to accept her thoughts as valid, and he's not going to start now. It's the final nail in the coffin of their relationship, and it's the culmination of Matthew's one big betrayal all along—he's dating her for his own selfish interests—not because he's genuinely into her.

Quote #9

"He's getting expelled! You lied to me!" Matthew grabbed a small metal bowl from the nurse's desk and threw it against the wall. It hit the floor with a clatter. (43.121)

Matthew is none too pleased when he finds out that Frankie is the culprit. Instead of being impressed by her brainpower, he's just disgusted. He won't see her as brilliant, which is what she wanted out of their relationship all along.