The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Because once you say women are one way, and men or another […] you're setting yourself up to make all kinds of assumptions that actually really suck." (22.78)

Frankie the debater comes out. She stands her ground when Elizabeth makes some generalizations about men and women because she doesn't think that they should be boxed in by their gender.

Quote #5

And because of her sex, because of her age, because (perhaps) of her religion and her feminism, she could sit at their table every day and she would never, never, ever get in. (26.49)

Why won't those dogs accept Frankie into their pack? Just because she's a girl. Hmm, that seems like a very discriminatory thing to do.

Quote #6

These are what I've got that keeps me out of the Loyal Order. Yes, it's my chromosomes, and maybe other things, too, but for a symbol of the difference between me and those boys—I could do worse than boobs. (31.46)

Frankie's very aware of what limits her from becoming a full-fledged member of the Loyal Order (as opposed to just a girlfriend) and it makes her determined, not defeated. She's not going to look at being a girl as a curse—she's going to use it to her advantage.