The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It had formed itself in the back of her head while Artie and the boys were talking about their costumes, and waited, poised, to flood itself into her mind the moment they departed. (31.82)

Frankie's always one step ahead. She can deliberate and scheme with the best of them, and this comes in handy when Alpha goes out of town. Here, we can literally see the wheels turning in the great, scheming machine that is her brain. And of course the prank that that machine produces is far cleverer, far more ambitious, and far more kickbutt than any of the pranks the real dogs could have dreamed up.

Quote #5

In the Month of November, the Loyal Order of the Basset Hounds experienced a surge in activity that surpassed anything they'd accomplished since 1968. (37.1)

It's a little ironic that the best leader the Order's ever had (since 1968 at least) is a girl who is pulling all the strings from a fake email account, isn't it? So much for the macho organization.

Quote #6

Though she was pleased with the conclusions she drew from her reasoning, Frankie wandered around her mother's house in the days after Thanksgiving staring out of windows for long periods of time. (40.9)

Being extremely clever and intelligent doesn't make it any easier when you figure out that your boyfriend's lying to you on the regular. Just because Frankie's got an evil genius brain doesn't mean she's got a cold, hard heart. Betrayals still sting, even if you manage to figure them out on your own terms.