Crash Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

For a long time we just glared at each other. Then his fists went down, his shoulders drooped, his voice whined: "What's the matter with you?"

"Figure it out," I said. I went downstairs and out of the house. (42.25-42.26)

When Mike asks Crash what's going on, Crash tells him to figure it out. Let's help Mike out here: why is Crash so upset?

Quote #8

I got down, feet in the blocks, right knee on the track, thumbs and forefingers on the chalk, eyes straight down—and right then, for the first time in my life, I didn't know if I wanted to win. (46.21)

Wow. Crash must care about Penn an awful lot to consider throwing the race. We know how competitive Crash can be. What do you think has made him think twice about finishing first?

Quote #9

The principal gave the names of the three eighth graders; then he said, "And the anchor leg was run by Penn Webb, who brought the team from last place to second."

I could hear cheers from his homeroom down the hall. Inside, I cheered too. (47.5-47.6)

Admit it, you got a little lump in your throat when you read that line. No? We don't believe you. In any case, this is another important turning point for Crash, who learns that being kind to others can be a source of happiness.