Crash Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Crash.

Violence and Aggression Quotes

It started way back when I got my first football helmet for Christmas. […] Seems I knocked my cousin Bridget clear back out the doorway and onto her butt into a foot of snow. (1.2)

Men and Masculinity Quotes

"She's gonna go"—I made my voice high like a girl's—"'Oooo, there's that Crash Coogan scoring another touchdown. I do believe I'm falling in love with that boy. He's so good and handsome.'" (10...

Women and Femininity Quotes

In the meantime my little sister Abby was picking worms out of my shovelfuls of dirt. She was having worm races. It surprised me to see a girl not afraid to pick up worms. (2.2)

Family Quotes

I cut him off. "My father is starting a new business. He works seventy hours a week. Sometimes more." (1.20)

Wealth and Materialism Quotes

"Who're you tricking?" I said. "That's no house. That's a garage." He looked at the place, looked at me. "No, I'm not tricking you. We live there." (2.22-2.23)

Language and Communication Quotes

Webb piped: "John has a great-great-grandfather, and he's a hundred and fifteen years old!" Four grown-up eyeballs landed on me. I had to think quick. "And I do dive-bombing too!" I said. "Wanna se...

Friendship Quotes

"I wanted to ask you if you would like to come to dinner at my house." The only word I could think of was "Why?" "Because you're my first friend in Pennsylvania." (3.16-3.18)

Change Quotes

Mostly it's checking everybody out. Seeing what they look like after the summer. Almost everybody looks different, changed at least a little bit. And not just different, but different better. (9.2)