Crash Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I'm a vegetarian."

"Since when?"

Mike sneered. "Since she started hanging out with Little Miss Webb." (16.10-16.12)

When Penn becomes a cheerleader, Mike starts calling him "Little Miss Webb." Man, these guys have some gender issues. Penn, on the other hand, doesn't seem to care about the "theater of manliness" that Crash and Mike seem so obsessed with.

Quote #5

Abby sneered, "My big brave brother, Crrrash Coogan, is afraid of mice." (16.60)

Crash's sister, Abby, all but calls him "Little Miss Crash" here. No wonder he feels like he needs to prove his manliness all the time.

Quote #6

"Get a trap."

"Me?" said my father.

"You're the male. You're supposed to be the hunter." (17.10-17.12)

Mrs. Coogan is a feminist—at least, that's what we've been led to believe so far. So, what's up with this quote? Is she seriously pawning off this job on her husband because he's the "man of the house," or is there something else going on here?