Crash Violence and Aggression Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"What's a Quaker?" The only Quaker I had ever heard of was Quaker Oats cereal.

"It's somebody who doesn't believe in violence," he said.

I told him, "Who says you have to believe in it? You just do it." (4.1-4.3)

Two things. First, Penn is a Quaker, so he doesn't believe in violence. Fine.

Second, there's Crash's response, which is not fine. Don't think about violence, just perpetrate it? That's essentially what he's saying, and it gives us some insight into Crash's character. Granted, he's only, like, 5 when he says it, but it sort of sets the tone for some of his future behavior.

Quote #5

I slammed my own gun to the ground. I stomped and stomped on it till it was green plastic splinters. I stormed up to the garage, over to the flower garden, out to the street, back to him. (4.20)

Young Crash isn't exactly the poster child for "thinking things through" or "working things out." Though he would be a good candidate for a campaign to encourage hissy fits.

Quote #6

We weren't really mad at each other. It was all just part of football. Football, see, is a violent and emotional game. The more charged up you are, the better you play. (15.13)

Crash sees aggression as a positive way to improve his performance—a good thing. And he says that he and Mike go at each other because of football. Still, we can't help but notice that they were pushing each other around the first time they met, long before they played football together…and we're not sure it was all in the name of upping each other's game.