Crash Wealth and Materialism Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I entertained myself by trying to picture what [Penn] might get for Christmas. Maybe a nice shirt form Second Time Around with only two holes in it. (32.17)

Okay, this is just rude. Secondhand clothes don't typically come with holes in them. In fact, they're usually in really good condition. Of course, Crash wouldn't know that since he refuses to even consider the idea of entering a thrift shop. Except that he does, accidentally, like two minutes after making this comment.

Quote #8

Christmas stunk.

[…] For the first time in my life I had to be woken up on Christmas morning. (33.3-33.4)

Crash can't enjoy his presents because he's so upset about Scooter. There's a lesson here, even if Crash can't see it yet: happiness is about the people in your life, not the things that you have.

Quote #9

Mike got a Jetwater Uzi and a Walkman, which I didn't get. He got a TV, but my old one is bigger, 21 inches to 18 inches for him, plus he doesn't have Auto Sleep Off or Wake Up on his remote, like I do. He got three tapes to my two, but my two cost more than his three. (34.3)

Yikes. That's a lot of time spent comparing loot. How often do you think that Crash uses those fancy remote buttons, anyway? And can anyone really tell the difference between an 18-inch and a 21-inch TV? Maybe Crash shouldn't waste so much time making these meaningless distinctions.