How It All Goes Down
Nick and Rachel — Singapore
- When Rachel wakes up, she feels uneasy about this other life of Nick's.
- While she's had experience around wealth and the academic elite, nothing compares to this world.
- We learn about Nick's "frugal" life in New York City where he lives in a studio and barely has anything of value (2.6.3).
- Rachel now attributes a "certain quality" she'd never been able to identify about Nick to his upbringing at Tyersall (2.6.4).
- They cuddle in bed and Nick tells Rachel he's proud of her because she "charmed the socks off everyone" (2.6.11).
- He tells her Ah Ma wants them to stay at Tyersall after the wedding so she can get to know Rachel better.
- They discuss Colin's wedding. Even Nick doesn't seem to realize what a big deal it is.
- Nick will be off at Colin's bachelor party for the next two days. Rachel will go to Araminta's party.