How It All Goes Down
Sentosa Cove — Singapore
- A tapping noise wakes Nick. It's been a sleepless week for him since Rachel broke up with him.
- He wishes he could go back in time, to redo it all.
- He's conflicted: he can't keep up with Singapore the older he gets, but he still loves coming home to all the nostalgia.
- There's that tapping again.
- Nick thinks someone is in the house.
- He sees a reflection moving.
- In search of a weapon he finds…a didgeridoo.
- Yep, that'll do it.
- He nearly clubs Colin as he investigates the sound.
- Sweet dear friend Colin has come back early from his honeymoon because he's worried about Nick. Lots of people are worried about Nick.
- As he's fixing breakfast, Colin tells Nick about Kitty Pong getting busted with Bernard at the post-wedding tea ceremony, consequently dumping Alistair.
- Nick says Rachel's too pragmatic to change her mind. He blames himself for her life becoming a "total mess" (3.16.37).
- The tapping returns and Nick explains to Colin that this blue jay has been tapping at the glass day after day.
- Colin open the glass panels.
- The bird flies in and starts pecking at a Damien Hirst painting.
- Colin tells Nick to be the blue jay: "never give up trying […] take an impossible situation and make everything possible" (3.16.54).