The Crystal Cave True or False

1. "I held it out to him. 'I don't want it. It's black inside. Look, you can see right through'" (I.2.110). What is this thing with the icky center? -> A poisoned apricot
2. "…you talk as if you were just a voice and not a person…Or as if you'd gone somewhere else and left your body for something else to speak through. Like a horn being blown through to make the sound carry" (II.11.70). What is Cadal talking about here? -> Merlin prophesying
3. "…what Vortigern needed now was not logic and an engineer; he wanted magic, and something—anything—that promised quick safety, and kept his followers loyal" (III.10.37). Why might Vortigern need an engineer, even if he doesn't think he needs one? -> He wants to build a wall to keep Saxons out.
4. "'He will be the sum of all our lives, and when he is grown he will come back and be crowned King at Winchester'" (V.10.69). Of whom is Merlin speaking here? -> Arthur
5. "There are many stories about the Dance, how the stones were brought from Africa, and put up by giants of old, or how they were giants themselves, caught and turned to stone by a curse as they danced in a ring" (IV.7.8). What is Merlin talking about here? -> Stonehenge
