The Fallen Star Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Growing up with Marco and Sophia—the two most unaffectionate people ever—I never came close to even getting a pat on the back. So Alex touching me like that felt very strange. Yet somehow, at the same time, it felt very familiar. (13.75)

Gemma is so starved for affection and physical contact that she totally reacts in a positive way when Alex touches her, even though she finds him infuriating. After all, she's spent her entire life without being touched by other people—even her supposed grandparents.

Quote #5

"Yeah, but I haven't seen them in a really long time." He stared off in the distance, looking like he was lost in a painful memory. "I haven't seen any of the Keepers since…" He trailed off and looked at me. "Alex told you what I was, didn't he?" (15.81)

Poor Laylen. He's a good guy and has tried to help out the Keepers his whole life, but since he's become a vampire they've pretty much all turned their backs on him. Aislin is the only exception—and that's just because she's in love with him.

Quote #6

"Go ahead, honey," her mother urged in a soothing voice. "It's alright. I'll be okay."

It took the girl a second, but she finally walked away, casting one last glance back at her mother before starting up the hill toward the castle. (21.64-65)

Gemma's mom may leave her behind when she follows Stephan into the lake, but she certainly doesn't want to. She'd rather stay around and take care of her little girl forever, especially because Gemma is so special.