The Fallen Star Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

My heart broke for the little girl and the mother. Somehow—and I don't know how—I knew it would be the last time they would see each other. She would grow up motherless, perhaps even hating the people who would be chosen to raise her. There would forever be an empty hole resting in her heart. (21.66)

As Gemma watches the vision, she feels for the little girl and her loneliness even without knowing that the girl is her younger self. She can so relate to the feeling of being left alone in the world with no one to love her.

Quote #8

"[…] So what is it? What's your big backup plan? Are you going to put me up in some super-secret chamber and lock me away from everyone and everything until the only emotion I can feel is loneliness?" (22.73)

Gemma thinks it's pretty messed up that the Keepers all want her to be this emotionless zombie, and she's not afraid to voice her opinions on the matter. They can't just leave her alone without human contact—that's so wrong.

Quote #9

"I didn't realize how bad things were for you," Laylen continued. "You know, what I find strange is that Stephan made this big plan to seclude you from everyone to keep you from feeling, but I never thought the plan would actually work. I mean, how can you force a person to become emotionally detached?" (23.100)

Laylen is the only person who tells Gemma that he feels sorry for her and that he wishes he could've stopped the Keepers from taking away her emotions. He knows what it's like to feel alone in the world, after all.