The Fallen Star Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I searched for a sign that he was buying my lie. At first, he looked completely lost. Then his expression shifted to anger. Moments later, worry washed over his face. I felt his grip loosen on my hand, and I seized the opportunity. I yanked my hand as hard as I could, and his hand fell off mine. I was on my feet in a heartbeat, bolting for the door, ignoring the pain tearing up my side. (14.39)

Gemma believes everything that Alex is telling her, but that doesn't mean that she wants to stick around so he can continue to boss her around and tell her where she can't go. She tries to fake him out and make a run for it… but he's too fast for her.

Quote #5

"Nineteen." She tossed a skirt onto the bed. "Alex is actually twenty. We lied about our ages so we could enroll in school."

"Oh." The saying liar, liar, pants on fire ran through my head. Even something as simple as their age was a lie. It made me question how many more lies I was in store for. (16.102-103)

The fact that Alex and Aislin lied about their ages to get into high school doesn't seem like such a big deal to the sibling duo, but to Gemma, it's a sign that they're good liars. If they're lying about this, what else have they lied to her about?

Quote #6

"I mean it's none of them." Laylen dropped his fingers from his lip ring. "I needed to make an extra stop."

Oh boy. Here we go. Alex had been very specific about going straight there and straight back. And here we were, taking a detour. I squeezed my eyes shut and massaged the sides of my temples, waiting for all hell to break loose. (17.48-49)

Oh geez, Alex is totally going to fly off the handle. He can't deal with someone lying to him, especially when that person happens to be Laylen, who Alex obviously already has a thing against.