The Fallen Star Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I tried to brush off the fact that Alex seemed disappointed that I showed emotion. Who cared what he thought. I could feel and that was all that mattered. Okay, well, that was a lie. But I was going to try my best not to focus on how Alex felt about me because, if I did, it would probably eat away at my insides. (20.29)

Gemma has to totally lie to herself in order to function around Alex. If she pretends that she finds him horrible and annoying, maybe she won't be so attracted to him.

Quote #8

I sat there for a second, confused about why I had to keep the necklace hidden. Then it hit me. Because I probably wasn't supposed to have the necklace to begin with and Alex didn't want to get in trouble for giving it to me. (34.8)

Alex is a very by-the-rules guy, especially when it comes to what his father tells him to do. But he can't help but give Gemma a little piece of something from her past—after all, she has no mementos of her mother at all.

Quote #9

Well, look at him. Pretending like he had never met me before. What a jerk. Now I’d love to be able to tell you that I spat every foul word that was running through my mind right in his face. But I didn’t. Just being there in the same room with him, I felt like I was suffocating, and my voice was getting strangled inside my throat. (34.12)

Ugh, Stephan is such a total liar: Of course he's met Gemma before. He's just pretending like they're meeting for the first time ever because he doesn't know that she sees right through his lies.