Character Analysis
Queen Bee
Calista is the Queen Bee and resident Mean Girl of Titus's crowd. And boy is she good at it:
Calista is blond and she can do this sorority-girl ice-princess thing, which she does with her voice and her shoulder blades, which makes people think she's older than she is and really important. (2.6)
Like any good minions, Loga and Quendy look to her for how they should behave, and what and whom they should like. Calista gets the best guy and she gets to say who makes it into their group—and who, like Violet, doesn't make the cut.
Other than that, Calista is kind of… flat. So, it's a good thing she has an even flatter sidekick to make her seem 3D by comparison.
Here's what he know about Loga: Titus used to date her.
And… yep, that's about it. Mostly, Loga sort of brainlessly goes with Calista's flow. Remember when Calista gets her nose bent all out of shape because Violet uses the word "incited" in relation to the girls' hot new retro Riot Gear (Chapter 31)? Loga piles onto Calista's snottiness, telling Violet "Put that it your metizabism" (31.63). If Violet's going to use "stupid, long words" (31.65) then, dadgummit, so is Loga! (Emphasis on the "stupid.")
The one marginally interesting thing about Loga is that she didn't have her feed hacked… possibly because she just wasn't interesting enough.