In Darkness Chapter 7 Summary


  • Shorty tries to remember the verses to Notorious B.I.G. songs that Biggie is always singing. In fact, that's how Biggie got his name—he figured he should borrow the name of his favorite artist.
  • He also gave Shorty his name, since he's the youngest in the crew.
  • Shorty feels like he just had a dream about Toussaint, but isn't sure how or why.
  • He remembers all kinds of specific details about the guy's life that he shouldn't know. Like, the color of Toussaint's wife's eyes, or the way he learned medicine from his dad. Shorty's not sure why he knows all that stuff.
  • Even though he'd never admit it in front of Biggie (since the guy loves Toussaint), Shorty's never really seen the big deal about the guy.
  • Shorty remembers the first time he saw Biggie. The guy was standing next to Dread when Shorty and his mom went to go see the guy.
  • Since Dread was paying for his education, he wanted to make sure he was getting his money's worth, so he asked Shorty to read, which he did.
  • Dread says he heard about what happened to Shorty's dad and sister, and wants to help them out. He's already spoken to Aristide.
  • They've got a house all set up for them and will send Shorty to school. Phew.
  • Manman asks if they can help look for Marguerite, and Dread promises he will (although we're not sure if we believe him).
  • Back in the present, Shorty thinks about voodoo. He's not sure he buys it.
  • Then again, he remembers Biggie getting sprinkled with bone dust by a houngan so bullets couldn't kill him.
  • At the time, Shorty thought it was all a bunch of hocus-pocus, but now he's not so sure. After all, he's seen Biggie get shot a bunch of times and never die.
  • Suddenly, he's glad he didn't give his pwen (rock) to Tintin; he wonders if it's saving his life.
  • How did he get the pwen, you ask? He tells us that a couple years after his dad died there was another uproar in the city.
  • The Americans made Aristide leave, so things got worse for Shorty and his mom.
  • Since everyone knew Dread controlled everything in their Site, the army came in after him.
  • Everyone was screaming and it was really dark. Shorty was fixing his bike when the soldiers came after Dread, who was with them at the time.
  • Manman tried to run to Shorty, but soldiers pinned her down so she couldn't get to her son.
  • Meanwhile, a big tank rolled in and tried to get to Dread, but Shorty was in the way.
  • Realizing that Shorty would get crushed and die, Dread stood up and ran over to Shorty to protect him.
  • In the process, Dread got shot a bunch of times.
  • Manman didn't understand: Why would Dread give his own life to save Shorty? He's just a kid.
  • Dread gave her a smooth pebble (a.k.a. pwen) to give to Shorty, and explained to her that since Shorty only has half a soul, some other soul will possess him soon, too.
  • Wait, what? Manman knew this must be important, especially since Dread was really into voodoo and practically a houngan himself.
  • She wanted to learn more, but before she could, Dread died.
  • For a while, Manman worried that Dread's soul is now in Shorty, but he knows that's not the truth. He tells us he knows whose soul is in him (but he doesn't tell us who).