Inside Out & Back Again Coming-of-Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Poem.Stanza)

Quote #7

I hold his hand:
Come with me.

He doesn't resist.
I tie it all into a bundle. (2.7.5-6)

Pass the tissues, please. Sniff. What a sacrifice, what a good sister; Brother Khoi needs someone to take care of him during his heartache and Hà knows just what to do. Her willingness to sacrifice her only personal possession to comfort her brother is a sign of maturity if we've ever seen one.

Quote #8

I feel guilty
having not once
thought of Father. (2.9.7)

Feeling guilty about not thinking of a father she has never known seems to be a worry beyond someone who is ten, who typically might worry more about how to find friends or amusements on board the ship. Then again, though, this isn't exactly a cruise.

Quote #9

Would be simpler
if English
and life
were logical. (3.12.3)

Hà really is on to something here, but of course, life and English just aren't that logical, so simplicity's off the table for our main girl.