Inside Out & Back Again Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Poem.Stanza)

Quote #4

I don't know
any more about Father
than the small things
Mother lets slip. (1.12.1)

Some families are private, and Hà's family, especially her mother, seems to be one of these, preferring not to talk about anything upsetting.

Quote #5

The same week,
North and South
closed their doors.
No more migration.
No more letters.
No more family. (1.14.12)

How awful for those people. We cannot imagine being banned from talking with our families, and this poem reminds us that the Hà is lucky to have hers close by.

Quote #6

Mother smells of lavender
and warmth; (1.16.4)

Moms are like living homes when we're young, which Hà is tapping into here.