Inside Out & Back Again Food Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Poem.Stanza)

Quote #7

No one has offered
to share
what I smell:
sardines, dried durian,
salted eggs, toasted sesame. (2.2.5)

When people are starving, food is like gold; it is horded and protected, not shared. This is exactly what's happening on the ship.

Quote #8

[…] Brother Vu
becomes head chef,
heating up cans of
beef and potatoes
tasting like salty vomit. (2.12.3)

Welcome to America, Hà, the land of canned food. Hà's first taste of American food is less than appetizing, so she copes by only eating the canned, syrupy fruit. Can't say we blame her, though it's not exactly a balanced diet.

Quote #9

Everything is
more edible
with nuoc mam. (2.14.2)

Nuoc mam is fish sauce, which is kind of like the Vietnamese version of ketchup, so like Americans with a dry steak, Hà and her family just pour it all over the stuff they don't like. Just like that, problem solved.