Inside Out & Back Again Sadness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Poem.Stanza)

Quote #4

Her brows
twist so much
we hush. (1.21.10)

Hà's mother's eyes are often clues to her feelings, and when she twists her brows at the gravity of the situation they find themselves in—trying to decide whether to stay or flee—her children fall silent out of respect.

Quote #5

I am proud
of my ability
to save
until I see
in Mother's
deep eyes. (1.23.3)

We think most parents would feel sad about their children going hungry and learning not to waste their food, since there isn't much of it.

Quote #6

I don't know them
so their pain seems unreal
next to Brother Khoi's,
whose eyes are as wild
as those of his broken chick. (2.7.4)

This is an interesting moment. On the ship, Hà is surrounded by people who are sad—they've all just fled their homes, after all—and yet the sadness of strangers doesn't resonate as half as real to her as her brother's sadness over the death of his chick.