Inside Out & Back Again Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Poem.Stanza)

Quote #4

…looking pretty
and writing poetry
were her only duties. (1.14.6)

In wealthier families all over the globe, this kind of role for a woman is common. Not convinced? Pick your favorite Real Housewife—she might not write poetry, but chances are more than decent that she treats looking pretty like it's her job.

Quote #5

Wish I could do what boys do
and let the sun darken my skin,
and scars grid my knees. (1.15.2)

This shows us what girls in Saigon are not allowed to do (read: run around and get dirty), though we're not told why.

Quote #6

Mother smells of lavender
and warmth;
she's so beautiful… (1.16.4)

An aspect of femininity that spans cultures is that it is soft, warm, floral, and maternal, so it makes sense that Hà sees these things in her mother.