Jellicoe Road Chapter 11 Summary

  • After her freak-out, Taylor does the best she can to just avoid her House altogether, which isn't exactly easy since she's in charge.
  • To get away from it all, Taylor makes a habit of hiding out at Hannah's house. One day, she sees Jonah Griggs standing across the river from Hannah's, staring at her. It's pretty unsettling when one of the dudes you're at war with stares at you like that.
  • At night, Taylor goes to the Prayer Tree, where she studies the messages for more links to Hannah and her book. Sure enough, one night she finds one: The names Narnie, Jude, Fitz, Webb, and Tate are carved into the tree.
  • While part of her wonders if the tree inspired the names of the characters, this somehow confirms what Taylor has always known on some level: The story of Hannah's manuscript is real.