Little Brother Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[severe haircut lady] "But from now on, you belong to us. We will be watching you." (4.104)

Just who is in charge of Marcus's identity anyway: the government or himself?

Quote #5

One reporter claimed to have interviewed an "identity counterfeiter" who'd helped "dozens" of people walk away from their old lives by simply vanishing after the attacks, getting new ID made up, and slipping away from bad marriages, bad debts and bad lives. (5.92)

What would you do with a new identity and a clean start?

Quote #6

I used the Xnet for almost everything now. I'd set up a fake email address through the Pirate Party, a Swedish political party that hated Internet surveillance and promised to keep their mail accounts a secret from everyone, even the cops. […]My new handle, come up with on the spur of the moment, was M1k3y […] (6.49)

Marcus's new fake identity allows him to be authentic. Oh, the irony.