Little Brother Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I posted it. I could barely type as I wrote it up, describing what I'd seen, adding a note to see if anyone could identify the military man in the video, if anyone knew anything about this.
I hit publish. We watched the video. We watched it again. My email pinged.
> I totally recognize that dude -- you can find his bio on Wikipedia. He's General Claude Geist. He commanded the joint UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti. (14.86-91)

This kind of misidentification is a pattern throughout the book, showing how the government surveillance that's in place is full of errors. What's going on when the government starts turning against itself and its allies?

Quote #8

You don't know me, but I know you. […]
I infiltrated Xnet on the day it launched. I am in your web of trust. If I wanted to spill my identity, I could send you email from an address you'd trust. Three addresses, actually. I'm totally inside your network as only another 17-year-old can be. Some of the email you've gotten has been carefully chosen misinformation from me and my handlers. (17.42-46)

Masha's just made M1k3y's worst fears come true. There's a spy in their midst.

Quote #9

[Ange:] "But Marcus, they don't know who you are. Think about that. All those people, money, guns and spies, and you, a seventeen year old high school kid — you're still beating them. They don't know about Barbara. They don't know about Zeb. You've jammed them in the streets of San Francisco and humiliated them before the world. So stop moping, all right? You're winning." (17.113)

Xnet's been compromised by DHS, but Marcus still is unknown. Are Marcus and M1k3y really the same person?